Press release highlights:
1. Tipping point for digital health with exponential growth opportunities
2. Stockholm’s policy makers embrace digital health
3. Great new opportunities in digital health for start-ups and entrepreneurs
Digital Health Days 2014
Digital Health Days will be held for the second time in Stockholm August 25th – 26th. Digital Health Days is the leading conference where ICT, Life science and health meet, strategically located in Stockholm where a thriving community of digital health start-ups can be found and game-changing policy-making is taking place.
Tipping point for digital health
“Digital health has been developing for several years now, but it seems to be reaching a tipping point with exponential growth opportunities. The big players in the market are now betting on digital health as the next big thing, opening up new channels for developers and start-ups. At the conference in Stockholm, we will be focusing on how big data is turning into big value, truly changing how digital health influences everyday life,” says Nima Jokilaakso, event manager for Digital Health Days 2014. “This will be the key event this year for start-ups and developers, health care professionals and policy makers who want to understand how they can make the most of the digital health revolution.”
Stockholm’s policy makers embrace digital health
Stockholm has great faith in digital health and is actively participating in the rapid development of big data for health. Just a few months ago, all health records were put online to give Swedes full access to their own health information. “We’ve been collecting the data needed for big data for decades and we’re totally committed to its democratisation. At the same time, citizens here have an especially well-developed relationship with their computers. We also have the solutions that connect patients to hospitals and doctors by doing things like putting an entire patient journal online. It’s an almost perfect marriage,” says Ulla Hamilton, vice-mayor of Stockholm. A lot of new start-ups within digital health have emerged in and around Stockholm lately. “It’s very easy for people to develop innovations here. We have a lot of tech nerds and early adopters in ICT and life sciences. This, combined with the fact that Swedish healthcare providers are already geared up for big data, provides ideal conditions for growth.”
Great new opportunities for start-ups and entrepreneurs
A number of challenge-driven start-ups will be presenting and attending the conference, mainly from the UK and the Nordics. The networking area will be a venue for pitches and meetings between thinkers, doers and investors. “All of us involved in digital health are on the frontier of a complete transformation of the global health market,” says Henrik Thorstensson, CEO of Lifesum, a Stockholm-based life science company that has been chosen as one of Stockholm’s 10 hottest start-ups by Wired UK. “Whether you’re a tech company, a pharma giant or an investor in digital health, the landscape is most definitely changing. We’re keen to contribute to and help build our rapidly developing sector as a whole.”
D-Health, a Scottish consultancy providing providing support services to the global digital healthcare community just announced it will launch a new European catalyst programme. “Sweden’s collaborative culture combined with its challenging geography for delivering services is helping it become a hotbed for innovation in digital healthcare, which is why D-Health has targeted the region,” according to D-Health’s press release last month.
The Digital Health Days agenda will feature panel discussions and debates on burning issues, as well as notorious keynote speakers such as “The Godfather” Dr. Paul Grundy who has been running IBM’s Watson programme for transforming the healthcare sector, and “e-patient Dave” DeBronkart who’s a former cancer patient and active blogger passionately advocating for letting patients be a constructive force.
Early-bird registration for the conference is open until June 15th. For more information and registration, go to
Contact information:
Nima Jokilaakso
Event Manager, Digital Health Days 2014
Tel: +46 70 789 44 50
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