2008-12-04 13:06Pressmeddelande

Polymer Factory expands the business and hires Ph.D. Robert Westlund as Senior Materials Scientist


Robert Westlund will be responsible for the preparation of the company's commercialized dendritic materials and for the design of tailor-made dendrons and dendrimers upon clients' requests. He will also promote the next generation of Polymer Factory's dendritic materials and participate in customer relations.

"This is a great opportunity for me to use my know-how in a commercial company", says Robert Westlund. Dendritic materials can be tailored to suit the most various needs and Westlund believes that there is a bright future for these nanometer-sized building blocks in e.g. biomedical applications.

Robert Westlund earned his Ph.D. in Polymer Technology from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden in early October 2008. His Doctoral thesis focused around designing sophisticated nano-hybrid materials for sensor protection applications, working with dendrimers, nonlinear optical chromophores, preparation of guest-host materials and hydrogel formulations.

"Polymer Factory has received several orders from US and European clients and Westlund brings with him great experience in working with dendrimer synthesis and advanced polymerization techniques", states Polymer Factory's CEO Mats Wallnér.

Polymer Factory's business strategy is to build value and revenue by providing advanced dendritic and polymeric materials using cutting edge know-how and to develop future ground-breaking materials in close collaboration with clients.

For further information please contact:

Mats Wallnér, CEO, Polymer Factory

Phone: +46-8-718 42 00

E-mail: mats.wallner@polymerfactory.com


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