2015-09-18 14:27Pressmeddelande

Digital Health Days: ​Catch up on the latest developments in digital health in Europe’s leading hub


Some of the most influential, international digital health experts as well as a number of interesting International and Nordic companies and investors will attend the Digital Health Days in Stockholm on September 23-24, 2015. The program covers cutting edge developments and international thought leader’s views on how digital solutions can contribute to transforming and making healthcare more sustainable.

- We are delighted to confirm the attendance as speakers such as Brian Goldman, well known for his TED talk about doctor’s making mistakes and his crusade for better patient safety, Bill Crounse, Senior Director, Worldwide Health at Microsoft, Lucien Engelen from Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and Jeroen Tas, CEO of Healthcare Informatics Solutions and Services at Philips, says Nima Jokilaakso, Event manager for DHD.

- In addition, DHD is a place for showcasing new cool apps stretching technological possibilities to their limit, continues Nima Jokilaakso. - Three of Europe’s hottest start-ups and recent receivers of substantial funding are among the companies that will attend - Meedoc connecting the doctor and the patients, Mysugr making life easier for the diabetic patient and Neuronation offering a series of tools for training your brain to improve your focus, memory and intelligence.

As individuals and citizens, we expect to be able to use digital solutions, but is the healthcare system prepared to provide them and can sustainable business solutions be implemented?

- The opportunities digitalization offers to improve healthcare and curb escalating costs may be obvious, but actually developing and implementing sustainable solutions whereby these opportunities can benefit the individual patient and society is another matter altogether, continues Nima Jokilaakso. - New business models for industry and new re-imbursement and incentives models in healthcare are a couple of themes that will be discussed between representatives from global companies such as Abbvie, Phillips and Microsoft and from the healthcare sector. Debating these challenges and identifying the most important and urgent obstacles for change will hopefully contribute to the development and implementation of new models, adds Nima Jokilaakso.

Patients in the center

- To involve patients and thus regard them as partners rather than developing new digital solutions in isolation is finally gaining more acceptance, says Lucien Engelen, one of the speakers and a patient advocate. - And I am particularly pleased to note that patient representatives get free tickets to attend Digital Health Days this year.

Stockholm – a heaven for entrepreneurs and investors

Stockholm has recently seen the growth of many billion dollar digital businesses including Spotify, King, Mindcraft and Klarna. And a recent report reveals that Stockholm-based companies received as much as 18% of all private investments in FinTech (financial technology) companies across Europe, making Stockholm the second largest hub for financial technology in Europe.

Swedes are true early adopters of new technologies. According to a new report published only a couple of weeks ago by PWC, more than 40% of the Swedish responders in a survey said that they are positive to using virtual care solutions, such as seeing their doctor by video and as many as 74% would be prepared to have their heart remotely monitored at home through a wireless solution.

During the last couple of years, no less than 10 new, Stockholm-based, co-working spaces specializing in serving start-ups have seen light. One of them is Frogleap Incubator, a new accelerator model and designed to help the most serious startups in healthcare to rapidly pressure test and scale-up their businesses. For participating companies, Sweden’s readiness to embrace new technologies and accessible test-beds are particularly important.

- We love the outstanding quality of Digital Health mobile apps, services and products from Stockholm, says Kim Min-Sung, Partner at the Berlin-based Venture Capital company XLHEALTH specializing in Digital Health Investments and who has attended Digital Health Days from its inception.

About Digital Health Days

Digital Health Days 2015 is an international conference focusing on how digital solutions can transform the healthcare system in order to benefit patients and society with higher quality and lower cost. Many categories need to engage and complement each other for an efficient progress including patients, healthcare professionals, investors, policy makers, politicians, technology developers, entrepreneurs, start-up companies and large companies. And these groups of experts are the ones we will welcome to DHD in Stockholm.

Activities at the conference include pitches by European startups, VC panels, demos and hands-on workshops on design thinking and patient involvement. There are also on stage announcements of winners of scientific awards, winners of health hacks and new company collaborations.

Venue: Stockholmsmässan, Mässvägen 1, Älvsjö, Sweden
Date: 23-24 September, 2015
Contact: Nima Jokilaakso, Event Manager, nima.jokilaakso@stockholmsmassan.se , +46 8 749 44 50.
More information: http://www.digitalhealthdays.se
Registration: http://invitepeople.com/events/10322.

Om Stockholm Science City Foundation

Vi är en handlingskraftig och hjälpsam expertorganisation som underlättar kunskapsutbyten och tillväxt. Vi stärker relationer och ökar samverkan mellan universitet, företag och samhälle för att stödja utvecklingen av Stockholm som en internationellt attraktiv plats för forskning och företagande. Vår ambition är att skapa samhällsnytta och stärka Stockholmregionens konkurrenskraft inom life science. Genom att bygga på den breda kunskapsbas, talang och kreativitet som finns i regionen skapar vi meningsfulla relationer och värdeskapande samarbetsmöjligheter. Därigenom bidrar vi till samhällsutveckling och skapandet av lösningar som kommer samhället till nytta.


Ylva Williams
Ylva Williams
Filippa Kull
Filippa Kull