Health Hack Academy is
the new meeting place for corporate project scouts, entrepreneurs, business
developers, hackers and gadget geeks, researchers, designers, students,
patients, healthcare professionals, and others who are looking to transform the
future of healthcare, self care and wellbeing. The goal of Health Hack Academy
is to support and accelerate the creation of digital health startups through
workshops and a hackathon with the finalists showcased at the international Digital │ Health Days 2014 conference in
The Health Hack Academy kick-off last Friday was a great success and 7 teams were formed during the afternoon around specific health challenges.
This coming weekend, 16-18 May, these 7 teams will knuckle down and attack their challenges for 48h to come up with solutions that will hopefully change peoples lives. During the weekend they will be supported and helped along the process by professional designers, business developers and healthcare experts. On Sunday, 18 May, it’s time for a showdown where all the teams will present their projects to a distinguished jury of professionals which will select 3 finalist teams. These teams will move on to the next round and continue to evolve their ideas in the Health Hack Academy, getting valuable training in prototyping and pitching before the final ceremony at the international Digital Health Days conference in August.
We would like to invite you to be the
first to see the fruits of the hackathon and to watch the teams pitch.
register at under "attend the event".
The event will take place at EIT ICT Labs,
Isafjordsgatan 26, Kista.
Program Sunday 18
14.00 - 14.30 Arrival and
14.30 - 15.00 Key note: TBD
15.00 - 16.00 Team presentations
16.00 - 16.10 Short break
16.10 - 16.30 The BIO-X program – Support
and funding – your first step towards commercializing a great idea. Open Call
for project proposals: ICT-healthcare solutions to improve personalized
treatment and care
16.30 - 17.00 Finalists are announced and
presented by the jury
End of the HHA Hackathon
Warmly welcome
The HHA Team
Vi är en handlingskraftig och hjälpsam expertorganisation som underlättar kunskapsutbyten och tillväxt. Vi stärker relationer och ökar samverkan mellan universitet, företag och samhälle för att stödja utvecklingen av Stockholm som en internationellt attraktiv plats för forskning och företagande. Vår ambition är att skapa samhällsnytta och stärka Stockholmregionens konkurrenskraft inom life science. Genom att bygga på den breda kunskapsbas, talang och kreativitet som finns i regionen skapar vi meningsfulla relationer och värdeskapande samarbetsmöjligheter. Därigenom bidrar vi till samhällsutveckling och skapandet av lösningar som kommer samhället till nytta.