2015-06-02 11:11Nyheter

Enhance your competences - join Health Hack Academy 2015

Will you develop the next super app, which will keep people happy and healthy? Are you looking for access to unique expertise, bright minds and resources to develop your ideas or solve your problems? Do you want to revolutionize health care? Then you should join  Health Hack Academy, a launch pad for new digital health tools.

Health Hack Academy the meeting place for corporations, entrepreneurs, business developers, coders and gadget geeks, hardware hackers, behavioral psychologist, game developers designers, students, patients, health care professionals, caregivers and others who are looking to transform the future of health care, selfcare and wellbeing. The goal of Health Hack Academy is to support and accelerate the creation of digital health startups originating in a hackathon.

But Health Hack Academy is more than a Hackathon. Health Hack Academy is a co-creative think tank, an exciting competition and a hands-on, learning innovation program. The Hackathon, which is the core activity, takes place during the weekend September 12-13, 2015. During a few workshops in September 2015 the ideas are scrutinized, prototypes are built, tested, re-built and then finally pitched in front of an international crowd at  Digital Health Days September 23-24. And the process is coached by experts within service design, prototyping, business development and presentation techniques.

Do you want your challenges solved?
As a company or organization with a challenge related to health care, self care or well being, Health Hack Academy welcomes you as a Challenge Partner. This is your opportunity to engage bright minds to build and refine novel solutions.

As a company or organization with a technology platform that can be used to build products and services related to health care, self care or well being, Health Hack Academy welcomes you as a Technology Partner.

Read more at: healthhackacademy.se/

Do you want to solve challenges?
We need your help to solve the challenges that really matter, for all of us.

Read more and sign up for news to make sure you won’t miss when registration opens:  http://healthhackacademy.se/

Please contact Andreas Namslauer, andreas.namslauer@ssci.se, +46 70 533 77 86, if you have any questions or want to join as Partner

Health Hack Academy 2015 is organized by Stockholm Science City Foundation together with Red Dot Award winning design company:  Veryday and the leading European organisation for Innovation and Education in the field of Information and Communication Technologies: EIT- ICT Labs

Om Stockholm Science City Foundation

Vi är en handlingskraftig och hjälpsam expertorganisation som underlättar kunskapsutbyten och tillväxt. Vi stärker relationer och ökar samverkan mellan universitet, företag och samhälle för att stödja utvecklingen av Stockholm som en internationellt attraktiv plats för forskning och företagande. Vår ambition är att skapa samhällsnytta och stärka Stockholmregionens konkurrenskraft inom life science. Genom att bygga på den breda kunskapsbas, talang och kreativitet som finns i regionen skapar vi meningsfulla relationer och värdeskapande samarbetsmöjligheter. Därigenom bidrar vi till samhällsutveckling och skapandet av lösningar som kommer samhället till nytta.


Ylva Williams
Ylva Williams
Filippa Kull
Filippa Kull